International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Workshop on Numerical Computation in 2D & 3D Data Analysis
WNCDA 2018 – Symposium XX
Rhodes, Greece, Sheraton Hotel
13-18 September, 2018
1. General Chairs:
i) Ryszard Kozera: (Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics, Warsaw, Poland. E-mail: and
ii) Agnieszka Szczęsna: (Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Informatics, Gliwice, Poland. E-mail:
iii) Artur Wiliński: (Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics, Warsaw, Poland. E-mail: and
2. A Short Description of the Symposium:
a) Goals/motivation: numerical computation plays a vital role in different disciplines like applied mathematics and information systems, computer science, physics, biology, medicine, economy and engineering. This symposium is designed to exercise such multidisciplinary nature of numerical computation with the emphasis on recovery of multidimensional data (including 2D and 3D Data) obtained in various fields of science and technology.
b) Topics of importance: high accuracy measurements for trajectory and shape recovery, in human gait and motion restoration, facial expression description, intelligent video analysis and motion acquisition, image processing and biometrics, feature extraction, medical image processing, multi-resolution analysis, statistical and mathematical models, machine learning and classification and other missing information are vital to the analysis of the hidden structure not fully transparent from various noisy or noiseless data. The asymptotic behaviour of the proposed algorithms/schemes (e.g. interpolation, approximation or modelling via dynamical and PDEs systems) are also important aspects which are intended to be examined in this symposium. Not limited to the mentioned above topics, other papers on numeric, applied mathematics and information systems are welcome. In particular, the latter includes multidimensional analysis, computation in dynamical systems and modelling of risk in banking and insurance.
c) Symposium format: it is intended to consist of oral sessions run during 1-2 day(s) within September 25th-30th of 2017. The speakers will deliver the talks and possible software presentation in 20-30 minutes time intervals. Each co-chair will present at least one paper. If the number of accepted papers is large then some of them may be re-allocated to the poster session (if agreed with ICNAAM organizers). All accepted papers will be published in post ICNAAM’17 Conference prestigious AIP Proceedings (subject to the oral presentation by one of the paper’s co-authors).
d) Full affiliations: i) main chair: Prof. Ryszard Kozera, Faculty of Applied Informatics and Maths, Warsaw Uni. of Life Sciences – SGGW, Nowoursynowska str. 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland, also adjunct Associate Prof., School of Comp. Sc. and Software Eng., The Uni. of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, 6009, Perth, Australia. ii) co-chair: Dr Agnieszka Szczęsna, Institute of Informatics, Silesian Uni. of Technology, Akademicka str. 16, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland. iii) co-chair: Dr Artur Wiliński, Faculty of Applied Informatics and Maths, Warsaw Uni. of Life Sciences – SGGW, Nowoursynowska str. 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland.
3. Important Dates:
Early registration expiry date (i.e. fees have been paid and a bank transaction receipt is succesfully sent to the fax (+35 726 910 803) of the Secretary of ICNAAM or a Visa-Master-American Express Card has been charged): 22 April, 2018.
Normal registration expiry date (i.e. fees have been paid and a bank transaction receipt is succesfully sent to the fax (+35 726 910 803) of the Secretary of ICNAAM or a Visa-Master-American Express Card has been charged): 10 June, 2018 .
Late registration expiry date (i.e. fees have been paid and a bank transaction receipt is succesfully sent to the fax (+35 726 910 803) of the Secretary of ICNAAM or a Visa-Master-American Express Card has been charged): 25 July, 2018 .
Submission of extended abstracts: 16 July, 2018. Please submit extended abstract to
Notification of acceptance: 22 July, 2018.
Submission of the source files of camera ready extended abstracts to American Institute of Physics (AIP Conference Proceedings): 1 August, 2018 – Final Date.
Submission of full papers for consideration for publication in the journals: 20 September 2018 – 31 January 2019.
4. AIP Proceedings Information:
a) Journal publications (JNAIAM, MMAS, AMIS) can be found under website:
b) All possible queries should be forwarded for the chair Symposium XX (WNCDA).